Nlaw now listed in Estonian e-Residency Marketplace
Nlaw has recently been listed in the Estonian e-Residency marketplace, and we can help you take advantage of all the benefits e-residency has to offer.
Nlaw has recently been listed in the Estonian e-Residency marketplace. We can now help clients from the UK, Slovenia, or Croatia who want to incorporate in Estonia or already run a business there. With our help, you can create a corporate structure and organisation that perfectly fits your needs. Keep reading to find out more about what e-residency has to offer, as well as how it can benefit your business. Don't forget to sign up for our blog and stay up to date—we never send more than one email per month!
What is e-Residency?
E-Residency is a digital ID available to anyone in the world, offering acess to Estonian ecosystem of services. Among others, it allows you to establish and run an Estonian company online.
E-residency does not grant you physical residency or citizenship in Estonia – it is purely digital and offers no physical benefits or rights. However, it does provide a digital qualified signature that is compliant with the EU eIDAS regulation. You can use this signature for many online services and activities, including signing documents digitally.
To receive your e-residency certificate, you first have to apply online. When it is approved, you can collect it in person at one of more than 45 locations around the world. Your fingerprints are required for verification purposes. After you get your certificate, you can use Estonian online services and other EU services.
Not only does e-Residency offer increased flexibility for businesses operating within Europe, but it also provides entrepreneurs from outside Europe with easier access into the European market.
E-residency does not grant you physical residency or citizenship in Estonia – it is purely digital and offers no physical benefits or rights. However, it does provide a digital qualified signature that is compliant with the EU eIDAS regulation. You can use this signature for many online services and activities, including signing documents digitally.
To receive your e-residency certificate, you first have to apply online. When it is approved, you can collect it in person at one of more than 45 locations around the world. Your fingerprints are required for verification purposes. After you get your certificate, you can use Estonian online services and other EU services.
Not only does e-Residency offer increased flexibility for businesses operating within Europe, but it also provides entrepreneurs from outside Europe with easier access into the European market.
Why e-Residency is suitable for Startup founders
E-residency is proving to be a suitable choice for startups and entrepreneurs who want to establish and operate a company in Estonia. With this option, you'll have access to all the benefits of setting up a business in Estonia without having to move there physically. E-residency allows entrepreneurs to open an Estonian bank account from anywhere, register companies, file taxes, and set up a payroll system online. Moreover, e-residency offers founders the opportunity to incorporate a company at low cost and with less paperwork than traditional methods.

What does this mean for Nlaw clients?
For various reasons, our clients decide from time to time to incorporate a parent holding company, or a daughter subsidiary in Estonia. Listing of Nlaw in the Estonian e-Residency marketplace is a result of Nlaw providing high-quality cross-border advise to our clients.
We can help you with coming up with a corporate and organisational structure for your company, which will be fit for your needs. We consider the peculiarities of running a business in the UK, Slovenia, Croatia, and Estonia, including the tax consequences. Nlaw's presence on the e-residency marketplace means we can offer guidance on corporate structure and organisation. We can also collaborate with local law firms or advisors if you need help navigating cross-border transactions. You can rest assured knowing that Nlaw has got you covered regarding compliance with all applicable laws and regulations too.
If you're looking into setting up or operating an Estonian company in addition to a UK, Slovenian or Croatian one, there really is no better option than joining forces with Nlaw!